
KIDS LINK is much needed to fill the gap in therapeutic services
for children with social skills difficulties. Our experience as child
therapists told us that children with social skills difficulties
responded well to a program which incorporated a variety of modalities.
We employ expressive arts therapies to help children communicate about
their social experiences, we present the children with activities aimed
at fostering group cooperation, and we teach social understanding and
coping strategies through cognitive –behavioural techniques. All of this
is offered within a relational and empathetic framework. By combining
these different therapeutic approaches our program is unique and
effective. Because our methods encompass using verbal and non verbal as
well as visual communication, we tailor our program to suit each child’s
learning style. The therapists give” on-the-spot” feedback when
misperceptions and miscues occur so that children can begin to make more
sense of their social interactions and the reactions of their peers.
Feedback is given in a positive caring and specific manner as the
therapists help children work on their areas of difficulty and realize
their strengths.

The world assumes that intelligent, bright children will learn social
skills in an automatic and intuitive way. For some children, this
process is not automatic and intuitive but needs to be taught and
learned. Often it’s surprising that a child who can easily master
cognitive information has difficulty with skills such as: making and
keeping friends, initiating play and conversation, winning and loosing
games, transitioning from one task to another, and understanding what
peers and adults expect from them. For many of these children the world
is a confusing and demanding place. Here at KIDS LINK children have a
unique experience, THEY ARE UNDERSTOOD! From that as a starting point,
we assess their strengths and weaknesses in the social realm and tailor
services to meet their needs.
We offer: Small group therapy, individual therapy, parent coaching,
sibling support, as well as on going communication with school
personnel. We also run Professional Development teacher training workshops where teachers learn how to integrate social skills into the day to day curriculum. Workshops: Working with the Challenging Child in the Classroom; Social Skills in Pre-school Training.
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Social Skills: The Building Blocks to Relating
Just a few...
Friendship Skills:
- Understanding and respecting boundaries
- "Safe" friends versus hurtful "friends"
- Having or understanding empathy
- Not being "rule police"
- Knowing when to tell on others
- Appropriate touching / respecting personal space
- Knowing how and when to get help
Dealing with feelings:
- Anger and frustration
- Excitement
- Making a mistake
- Recognizing the feelings of others
- Recognizing your own feelings
Ability to control impulses:
- Can stop to think
- Can evaluate different courses of action and consequences
- Ability to use words
- Can stop aggressive reactions (hitting, pushing, etc)
Conversation Skills:
- Eye contact
- Listening
- Taking turns
- Appropriate subject changes
- Recognizing on versus off topic
- Knowing how to start
- Knowing when to edit sensitive topics
- Maintenance skills - asking and answering questions
- Knowing when to stop talking
Successful play skills:
- Sharing
- Compromising
- Knowing rules
- Flexibility
- Winning and losing skills
- Ability to initiate play
- Knowing which kids to pick to play with (safe kids)
